The DNA of Love with Dr. Williams
Finding the one we're supposed to be with is difficult, and sometimes, seemingly impossible. Along our romantic journey, everyone needs a little help from time to time, and The DNA of Love provides that assistance from the first date to the first mate. Each episode addresses a specific component of romance, for all audiences, as we examine the skills that need developing en route to finding the perfect relationship for us. Whether they're single, dating, or married, there's something in each episode for everyone.
The DNA of Love with Dr. Williams
DNA of Online Dating
In the modern dating environment, it is nearly impossible to avoid the allure of online dating. The idea of having a resource that exponentially increases your chances at finding true love (or whatever other romantic pursuits you desire), almost seems too good to be true. Unfortunately, the advent of online dating has not been a 'cure-all' for loneliness and heartbreak. In fact, some would argue that it may have even directly contributed to more instances of failed romantic endeavors over the past decade or so. So where does that leave us, as we continue to seek love? I argue that it leaves us with a beautiful opportunity to begin to learn how to effectively use the tool of online dating as such; a useful tool that can build a foundation worth standing on if utilized skillfully. Tune in to learn just how to masterfully use the tool of online dating, so that you may capitalize on modern dating technology in this installment of the DNA of Love with Dr. Williams.